Weather in Las Vegas

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Las Vegas
       Weather in Las Vegas

      Las Vegas

      Las Vegas has a hot desert climate, so you can look forward to lots of bright sunshine and heat all year round. Spring is a particularly nice time to visit before it gets overly hot in the summer. Temperatures in Las Vegas are around 17°C in March and continue to increase as the month's progress to highs of 34°C by the end of May. There’s around 11 hours of sunlight each day with just 4mm of rain in April and 2mm in May. The summer weather in Las Vegas might be too hot for some people. The heat can be uncomfortable if you’re not used to it and you can expect highs to reach up to 40°C in July and August. There’s not much rain due to the region’s desert climate with just 2mm in June and 11mm in July. Temperatures in Las Vegas cool down slightly between September and November, which enjoy average highs of 37°C and lows of 19°C in September. It can get even colder towards winter, with evening lows dropping to just 5°C by the end of November. December and January are the coldest months with a daily average of 14°C and 17°C.

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